
სემინარის თემა: "Competence-based Learning in Light of the Bologna Process in Georgia " . ევროპეისტიკის დეპარტამენტის ასისტენტ-პროფესორი ნანა მაზმიშვილი. 5 ივლისი, 2021

The objective of the presented research is to identify the typical deficiencies in the educational programmes and the related syllabi at higher education institutions in Georgia with the main focus to detect those gaps that create difficulties in building generic or specific competences in  graduates.

The findings of the given paper demonstrate the need of awareness in the “Philosophy” of competence-based learning and the main “pillars” of the concept the correct development of which can truly contribute to building the competences and skills necessary for the graduates of the educational programme to be competitive on the current labor market.

Syllabi of the educational programmes are responsible for provision not only the “staying-on-the –paper” competences, but allow the graduates to acquire competences as well as measure the real potential of their own achievement.

The outcomes of the research will be valuable for all stakeholders in the education system.



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